The strict enforcement of speed limits guarantees a 1.5% increase in GDP in Lebanon

Back in 2010, Kunhadi attempted to identify the leading cause of traffic crashes by offering the Lebanese Red Cross a software program to gather traffic crashes data collected from Antelias – Byblos highway. The study showed that excess of speed accounts for over than 70% of traffic collisions – both fatal and non-fatal.

Value of Serious Injury

The organization approached the Prime Minister and the Minister of at the time with a study showcasing that by strictly enforcing speed limits, we can decrease road crashes by 35%. In fact, speed regulations, implemented throughout two months in 2011, were able to reduce traffic crashes by 35%.
The organization president, Mr. Fady Gebrane explains that yearly traffic crashes cost USD 1.4 Billion, thus, hindering economical development by 3.3%.

Gebrane stated if speed limits alone were strictly enforced, they would reduce the toll of traffic crashes by 35%, leading to an additional increase of 1.5% in GDP growth.
“That is to say, that while the Governor of the Central Bank expected a 1.5% growth in 2015, implementing the speed limits could raise the growth even further to reach 3%”.

Value of every life loss on the Lebanon GDP growth

Value of every life loss on the Lebanon GDP growth

Kunhadi Hosts World Day of Remembrance at the Remembrance Garden – Lebanon

Beirut, November 16, 2014

Road Traffic Victims Remembrance Garden

The United Nations announced the third Sunday of every November World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. This day provides an opportunity to draw the public’s attention to road traffic crashes, their consequences and costs and the measures that can be taken to prevent them.

Kunhadi, road safety organization, invited a number of parents and friends to commemorate every life lost on the road on November 16, 2016.

Kunhadi hosts world day of remembrance of traffic victims in Sin el Fil Garden

Kunhadi hosts world day of remembrance of traffic victims in Sin el Fil Garden

Hosting the gathering at the Traffic Victims Remembrance in Sin El-Fil, which Kunhadi inaugurated in November 2013 in collaboration with Sin El-Fil Municipality, Kunhadi will unveil the second memorial holding names of young lives lost on the road.

This day will not only honor the memory of those we have lost, but will also offer support to grieving parents and shed light on the alarmingly high number of traffic victims in Lebanon aged between 15 – 29 years old, amounting to 650 yearly, leaving behind broken families and communities.

Join us this World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims as we light candles for loved ones who were gone too soon.

Meeting point:

Gas station in front of Mekker – Jisr el Wati

Fore more info, visit Kunhadi event page


تطبيق قانون إلتزام السرعة القصوى كفيل بزيادة نسبة الناتج المحلي القومي بحوالي ٪١٫٥

يذكّر رئيس جمعية “كُن هادي” بنتائج إختبار، حول تجاوز السرعة القصوى وتداعياته، أجرته الجمعية خلال عام 2010 في منطقة جبيل بواسطة برنامج معلوماتي متطوّر قدمته الجمعية إلى الصليب الأحمر اللبناني فتبيّن أن ما يفوق ٧٠% من مجمل عدد حوادث السير يعود إلى تجاوز السرعة القصوى.

عرضت الجمعية خلال عام 2010 على رئيس مجلس الوزراء وعلى معالي وزير الداخلية في حينه دراسة يمكن من خلالها تخفيض عدد حوادث السير بنسبة 35% في حال تمّ فقط تطبيق قانون عدم تجاوز السرعة القصوى. وبالفعل، وعلى فترة شهرين من عام 2011، ساهم تطبيق القانون أعلاه بتخفيض عدد حوادث السير بنسبة حوالي %٣٥.

من جهة أخرى، إن كلفة حوادث المرور في لبنان تفوق ١٫٤ مليار د.أ. سنوياً أي ما يمثل 3,3% من الناتج المحلي. وفي حال تمّ الإلتزام بقانون عدم تجاوز السرعة القصوى وبتكثيف حملات التوعية في المناطق اللبنانية كافة وفي المدارس والجامعات بشكل خاص لإحترام حدود السرعة القصوى والإلتزام بها، سوف تنخفض نسبة حوادث المرور بحوالي ٣٥% ما يؤدي بالتالي إلى زيادة نسب النمو بـحوالي ١٫٥% إضافية.

أي أننا يمكننا مساعدة حاكم مصرف لبنان على زيادة نسب النمو إلى حوالي ٪٣    

Value of every life loss on the Lebanon GDP growth

Value of every life loss on the Lebanon GDP growth

Value of Serious Injury

Value of serious injury in a car crash on Lebanon GDP